Pay Your Bill Online
Thank you for choosing Wilson Health & Wilson Health Medical Group for your healthcare needs!
Pay Your Hospital Bill
Your account number will begin with 'Z' (Z123456...)
Please enter all letters & numbers prior to the dash
If you would like to pay your Wilson Health hospital bill, click the link below to pay online:
If you'd prefer to pay by phone, please call:
(937) 492-7438
If you'd prefer to pay by phone, please call
We Offer Digital Billing Experience!
Our patient billing is going digital to increase convenience for you, reduce paper waste, and provide personal email and text messages. For more information about why we're doing this and what to expect, see the below flyer.
Learn about the Digital Billing Experience
How Can I Opt-In to the Digital Billing Experience?
Simply follow the bellow instructions:
Opt-In to Digital Billing Experience