Heart disease was once considered only a man's problem. But according to the American Medical Association (AMA), cardiovascular disease is also the number one killer of women. (Read about "The Heart & Cardiovascular System")
For a long time it was thought that women were not as susceptible to heart disease as men. (Read about "Coronary Heart Disease") The initial results of an ongoing study, started in 1948 in Framingham Massachusetts, were published in the 50's and showed men more likely to have heart disease. But as time progressed, it was discovered that women were also at risk; they just developed diseases of the heart 10 to 15 years later than men. Women also seem to develop, more often than men, a condition called coronary microvascular disease (CMD). CMD is the result of narrowing of the tiny arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. (Read about "Coronary Microvascular Disease")
The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that 1 in 9 women ages 45 to 64 have some sort of heart disease but the ratio jumps to 1 in 3 for women over 65. So it's essential that women as well as men, especially those with a family history (Read about "Family Health History") of heart disease, adopt a heart healthy lifestyle and maintain it, as they get older.
It's essential for everyone to be aware of the factors that indicate a higher risk of heart disease. (Read about "Heart Risks") According to AHA, some of the main risk factors include:
In addition, you can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease through the following lifestyle changes:
It's also important for everyone, women as well as men, to recognize the warning signs of a heart attack, which include chest pain or tightness, a squeezing sensation, pain that radiates to the shoulders, neck or arms and/or chest pain accompanied by lightheadedness, sweating (Read about "Sweating") or shortness of breath.
Women need to be aware of something else. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that women are more likely to have so-called silent or unrecognized heart attacks. That's because women often have different signs of a heart attack than men. Women are more likely to have nausea and pain high in the abdomen. They also may experience a burning in the chest that they dismiss as indigestion. (Read about "Indigestion") Women also can have atypical angina resulting in extreme fatigue instead of chest pain from physical exertion. Angina is not a heart attack but is an indication for a doctor that more investigation is needed. (Read about "Angina") It's important that women are aware of these differences because there is one more crucial one. According to the FDA, 25 percent more women then men die within a year of having a heart attack. If you suspect a heart attack in yourself or another person, seek emergency medical help right away. (Read about "Heart Attack")
Learn more about Wilson Health's Heart and Vascular Services or if you are experiencing signs or symptoms of heart disease, schedule an appointment with Wilson Health Cardiology today by calling (937) 494-5988.