February 1st, 2022
Everyone loves a winter wonderland, however winter storms can be dangerous and scary. With the upcoming winter storm forecast, Wilson Health is here to provide you with some tips on how to be prepared for winter weather.
Gather Supplies
Avoid driving in winter weather at all costs, instead opt to gather everything you need ahead of time. Think of supplies you, your family, and your loved ones may need if you are without power or transportation for several days. Some things you may need to consider stocking up on:
Keep Your Home Safe
Think of alternative heat sources in case you lose power, such as a fireplace or space heater. Be sure to follow this safety advice:
Don't turn the stove on to heat your home. Instead, have extra blankets, sleeping bags, and/or a warm winter coat on hand. You can also opt for a space heater or fireplace.
Protect Your Water Supply
Extremely cold temperatures can cause water pipes in homes to freeze and/or break. Make sure to leave all taps slightly open so they are dripping continuously. Open cabinet doors beneath the kitchen and bathroom sinks so heated air can reach the pipes. If your pipes do freeze, you can thaw them slowly with a hair dryer.
Check on Your Loved Ones
Makes sure your loved ones, especially the elderly and those who are handicapped, are well equipped and taken care of.
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